WOW. What an intense read. Lewis made the spiritual realm come to life; it became real, not just a concept that gets talked about only once a year. Lewis pulls no punches. He opens our eyes up to what a conversation between spiritual beings, who care not a lick about us, would look like. The demons' soul desire is to see a man and his woman fall out of faith with their Savior.
However, In the end Screwtape and Wormwood lose their man to THE Man (Jesus), whom they call "the Enemy". Every time I read that phrasing of God, "the Enemy", I had to remind myself that Lewis is writing from the perspective of a veteran demon. It could get very confusing, because everything I perceive as being "good" is portrayed as evil or "bad", yet still some things that I see as being beneficial to MY faith Screwtape view's being beneficial as well! Therefore, I get the feeling that I should watch it with those things that I see as good, lest they be twisted in a way that honors myself (and Satan) rather than God! Oh my me, it gets a little confusing Eh? Here's the point...I think: Any "thing" that is good can be used for bad. There are plenty of good things out in our world that have been twisted for evil, inflicted pain, and destroyed lives. For example, One of the obvious things, a topic Screwtape tries to exploit throughout the letters, is SEX. We have torn down the concept of "covenant" and "boundaries"; taking a good thing...A GOD THING, and used it wrongly. We have taken a legitimate desire, SEX (i like putting that word in all caps. it is fun), and tried to fulfill this desire in an illegitimate way, pre-marital SEX :-) and pornography SIMPLY to name a few of the array of distortions. The Theme of this book is simply this: Satan's pursuit is to take what is good and twist it enough to where we forget all about the God who tuely cares for us. Outside of complete surrender to my Holy, good God, anything can destroy me, whether it be a good thing are not!
The question I now am trying to ask myself, courtesy of a one Mark Batterson (check out his blog. he's got something to say): Is this a GOD THING. Just some food for thought I guess. If you haven't read the book, i recommend it. Giving it an: A.
12 years ago
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