Friday, January 30, 2009


Just got done talking with a University student who is writing a paper on "Homosexuality" and "gay rights." She was looking for the Church's perspective on the issue and had phoned a number of churches (different denominations) including a Buddhist temple. The first "Pentecostal" pastor she spoke to said it was wrong because "God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Adam and Eve and Eve." She told me that she politely rebutted and in turn was told, by the youth pastor, that she didn't have time to talk and hung up on the college student. Needless to say, I was shocked (she was irritated) and not happy with my fellow colleague in the trenches. SO, this incident and what turned out to be a very delightful conversation got me thinking:

Why is it that we (Leaders in the Church) many times side-step difficult issues with cliche responses at best?!?! Today's society is hungry for REAL answers and it seems that much of the time we bust out our cookie cutter and expect people to eat our responses like an Italian feast (which I could go for right about now!). The old days of society as a whole naturally having somewhat of a Biblical background/perspective are LONG LONG GONE. Therefore, the challenge for us Minsters and leaders is to explore the issues (homosexuality, pantheism, relativism, pluralism, alcoholism, all the -isms, pain, suffering, evil, etc.) and respond with Biblical conviction, relevance, clarity, and intelligence; all under the power and leading of the Holy Spirit. This is EXACTLY what Jesus did. He DID NOT sidestep tough issues with pithy cliche's from junior high, but addressed topics with sound doctrinal teaching and relevant stories (known as parables). If our aim is to be like Christ, we MUST engage our culture in dialogue, speaking full of GRACE and TRUTH just as OUR Master did (John 1:17).

When my phone conversation was all said and done, I have made a new friend and look forward to many more conversations about hot button topics with this individual. There is nothing to be afraid of when dealing with issues like these. It is so sad to see Christians do the very same thing that people do when someone/something is different than them: either they hate or fear (whether it be a different look or belief or expression or whatever. One of these is usually the typical response). Whereas, to bite off of Rich Warren, the best response is to love and embrace those who believe differently. I can still love someone and disagree with them at the same time. Actually, isn't that what Jesus did (our Master disagree with and even hates our sin but still loved us enough to die and take our sin away)? And HE still does. SO, the moral of my inward dissertation is: when someone calls you asking for your perspective on a controversial topic, do us all a favor and don't hang up on them. I NOW DIGRESS.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Minister's retreat

This year, our (A/G) District conducted our annual "minister's retreat" at a place called Kalahari Resorts located in Sandusky, Ohio, ( about 4 hours north of Cincinnati), the largest indoor water park in the nation. We arrived on Monday afternoon and were scheduled to leave back to the office on Wednesday afternoon. What we did not expect was the first blizzard of 2009 to hit the entire state of Ohio, and much of the mid-west, all through Tuesday night and Wednesday afternoon. Oh, what to do?!?! Should we brave the roads and what could end up becoming a 6 to 6 and a half hour drive back to Cincinnati? Or, do we suffer for one more day and night at an indoor water park? HMMMM. To put everyone's suspicions to rest, we stayed another day and night, which was the right, safe decision. I can honsetly say that I did absolutely nothing but have fun for two days straight. I, unabashadly, skipped out on many of the Distirict's leadership sessions (they bring in a guest speaker to teach on certain subjects and issues throughout the two day event) for an intimate dance with waterslides and rides, proudly experiencing each one offered (There were around a dozen. You can call me irresponsible or a "ditcher", that's cool...i had a great time). However, the best part of this retreat was that I experienced the park with another member of my staff, and we bonded. As the new guy and all, I walked away with some great memories and have taken a step forward in relationship with my lead pastor and my other team members. You can't put a price tag on that!! I feel refreshed and, honestly, a little rejuvinated. I think this is the ideal result of a retreat such as this. Kudos to the District for recognizing an enjoyable atmosphere and allowing us to engage it. Two thumbs up!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Growth Groups

We just launched our new Guys and Girls Small groups (called Growth Groups 'round here) and i am excited about what God is going to do through them.

Courtesy of my friend in the trenches, Justin Chandler, One of my leader's and I will be navigating our young men through the book of Judges. I have read the exciting book several times and am looking forward to teaching our guys how to be MEN of God, NOT Males. Judges has a wide variety of things to teach men: fighting for what is right, how to love, being tough, being sensitive, sacrificing pride and replacing it with humility, listening to God, trusting God rather than our own logic, being a man of one wife, kickin' some butt when necessary, and so much more.

The facts are that we are living in a Fatherless generation. I will guesstimate that approximately 60 to 70% of the teenagers in my youth ministry are without a father (this also takes into account the dad's who are "home" but nobody's really "home"; they are there but not really). WHERE HAVE ALL THE GOOD ROLE MODELS GONE?!?! When Spike is the number one television program for men, our SOCIETY IS IN TROUBLE!! (don't get me wrong, i like some of Spike's shows; they are cool and "dude-like." But a lot of what is on their is trash). As a student ministries pastor, I feel the burden, now more than ever, of training up young men into becoming good Godly role models. Teaching them how to be a good husband, NOW; how to be a good father, NOW; to fight and stand up for what is good and right. To learn how to be a GOOD protector and provider, NOW. How to Love God with every part of their life; etc. This type of training and equipping often falls between the cracks in our churches. Somehow we have almost, in a sense, "feminized" our churches. Statistics prove that Men view the church as having nothing meaningful to offer them; that it is catered greatly more towards women. It should alarm us that women are WAY MORE likely to attend church than men. With all of this said, I hope and pray that I live long enough to hear people say, "We are now living in a fathered generation." Oh, with God's grace, that I may be apart of creating a movement where the dream of Manly Dude's as great role models becomes reality. I Focus in on the young men in hope to see us (i say us because i too want to be a Godly man) turn our world upside down; where shows like MANSWERS and Family Guy no longer personify the average male: one who is an idiot, who doesn't know how to use his brain, who screws things up all the time, and only thinks about beer and sex.
This is why I do what I do. This is why we have a manly, guys only, growth group. To all DUDE OF DUDE'S out there: let's go against the grain and be tough, humble, full of love, full of testosterone, Godly, MEN. AHHHGGGG!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Movie Review: Paul Blart

Went to see Mall Cop last night and boy was it funny. Kevin James is in classic form with this one; good clean fun. Not many guys could pull off driving around a mall in a security scooter and it be funny. James, with his mustache, spices up a lame occupation by taking mall security a little too serious. James (Paul Blart) is adamant about his job, keeping to the rules of "mall edicate", and the safety of shoppers. So, once the mall is taken over by acrobatic maniacs on black Friday, Paul Blart is ready to spring into action.

There really isn't anything spectacular with the plot, but the "Happy Madison" production company doesn't drag the movie along and refuses to "beat a dead horse." It was simple, fun, and well done. To top it all off, they root for the underdog. I love movies that have some redemptive value to it. In this case, it is that God chooses the "underdog", the undeserved, the least likely to accomplish His will. Though Mall Cop may not be "Biblical" per se, it reveals the heart of God: an overweight, insecure, single dad, who has an impeding affliction (something i will not mention because it will ruin the movie), whom everyone counts out, out maneuvers smart well trained and well funded thieves....and gets the girl! I Love That!!! We all love that! We love seeing the least likely to succeed....well, SUCCEED.
I give it a solid: A- A definite must see. Just like a Kung-Fu Panda.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Youth Convention part Deuscie!!

So, to start out my very first traveling event with my students, our bus decides that it will not start. So, my bus driver, leader, and I are out in the -5 degree cold for four hours trying to get this thing started. We ended up replacing the batteries on our "beast" of a bus, sprayed some starter fluid and we were off to Columbus.

To be honest, i had a real good time and so did my teenagers. I am not your Gun-ho A/G guy, but our District Director did a good job with this A/G event. He is "green" (like me) and therefore it was his first big event too. There was nothing extravagant or wicked awesome that made you go, "That was AAHHHMAZING", but convention was solid; he produced a win, and teenagers were touched. Rick Lorimer was the guest speaker; he is a real cool guy and yells a lot when he teaches. Tom (our Director) spoke in the last session and absolutely connected with the students...he did a GREAT job challenging our kids to be authentic and live for God; to be a missionary to their friends. Overall, i am excited about what Tom has for this District in the future.

Friday, January 16, 2009

-2 degrees!!!

I awoke this morning in the comfort of my apartment, which was a cozy 70 Degrees Fahrenheit, ready to seize the day. i got all bundled up, it is the middle of the state of Ohio and i knew it was supposed to be breathe-takenly cold, and walked out my door. I was hit by a wall of, what i could only compare to, ice. No, not literally. the sun is out and the sky is beautiful. However, my face froze; my body felt the pain of what i sincerely believe is the frozen tundra of Green Bay Wisconsin. I immediately had flashbacks of the great Mid-west ice storms a few years ago. HHUUUUUUUU!!! OH YES....a negative 2 people. and it is supposed to hit -6.....without windchill!!! AHAHHAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Columbus here we come!! GO GOD! You make it freezing butt cold on the Unrighteous AND the Righteous alike!!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A convention for teenagers! 1

Tomorrow about 15 of my scrappy teenagers and I embark on what will be my first "Assemblies of God Youth Convention." I hope a few things take place. First, that my kids don't kill each other. Second, that none of my kids kill another youth pastor's kids (my students are not very churched and especially not "churchy", which, BTW, I LOVE!! so hopefully they don't hurt those who are). Third, I pray vivaciously that God move in the hearts of my teens. Like any civil youth pastor, i love my students so much and can't wait to see what God does in their lives this weekend. May they come back different. KEEEYAHHHH suckah fooo!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Rose Bowl Part deuce

For the intrigued, i thought it satisfying to throw up a few more photos of the best college football team in the nation.

Pete Carroll, being Pete:

A beautiful play action...Stefon Johnson and Mark Sanchez. Boy I hope they come back for their senior years:

All-American, Ray Malaluaga. The Nations defensive player of the year and the nation's best linebacker. We are going to miss him:

A simple something i learned through the whole experience of going to the Rose Bowl with my dad: what makes these experiences so great is that I am creating a memory. Life is too short; i need me some risk, some adventure, some great memories; to achieve the impossible. That is why i have a goals list, and boy does it feel good to cross one of those goals off the 'ol list. You couldn't have paid me enough money to NOT go on this great opportunity. Well...i may have considered a six or seven figure offer. BUT that's not the point now is it.

In Good Company

This morning I was reading in the Gospel of John, where our Master presents a tough teaching for His followers to swallow (Jn. 6:25-71). At the end of Christ's dissertation, John records that, "...many of his disciples (can also be translated as followers) turned back and no longer followed him." What a shot to the jugular!! The Messiah was doing what the Father sent Him to do (Jn. 5:30-37) and yet people still bailed out on Him. Christ experienced rejection, despite the fact that all He ever did was speak with grace and truth (Jn. 1:14-17).

This gives me hope for a number of reasons. First, I am in good company. Not only do I experience rejection, but my Master experienced it too. As a matter of fact, God experiences rejection from His creation everyday!! That can't feel good. Second, it is not my job to transform a person's heart...only God can make that happen. My mission is to first and foremost pull an Enoch and walk with God. I am then called to do as Jesus did: speak grace and truth. I am here to do what God has called me to do. I cannot control what people do or don't do. I pray and hope for the best, but ultimately i am responsible to people, NOT for them. Does rejection suck? Does it hurt? SURE. But it is good to know that i am not alone. The greatest men and women from Bible days to the present have experienced an exodus (small or large) of followers as some point. They have doubted, toiled to no avail, been cussed out, spit on, hung out to dry, lied about, lied to, judged, told that they were inadequate or too young, and the list goes on and on.

Therefore, the question for us is not why does this happen to me or how do i avoid things like these. The question is, how will i respond? This is the question we all must answer personally and with honesty. Nevertheless, if you are feeling bummed out because of rejection or any of the above list...WELCOME!!! You are in Good Company!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Rose Bowl pt. 1

Oh happy day.

Here are some pictures of my dad and me at the Rose Bowl. For the record, we sat 11 rows behind the Penn State marching band. We were in the heart of the enemy's camp...yet, the Penn State cheerleaders are way cuter than USC's. I do not know how that fits in this blog, but nonetheless, some pics; Mark Sanchez under center, me and a penn state die hard, and others:

Thursday, January 8, 2009

And the Sickness continues

There are few things i hate more than being sick, which is my current condition. I barely even remember what i said last night in front of my eager eyed teenagers and youth leaders! I think the reason i hate being under the weather so much is that i do not feel like doing anything, therefore, i accomplish very little. Plus, my body goes into shut down mode. Let's face it, it is crappy feeling like crap. I could probably replant a whole forest of trees with the amount of tissue and toilet paper i have used on my nose. There is a visual for ya!! Sorry for the detail and venting session; i can't afford therapy, so this will have to do.

OH, btw...i meant to say this a couple posts ago: VIVA SANCHEZ! If you don't know what that means, ask me and i will be happy to explain :) GO TROJANS.

Monday, January 5, 2009


Craig Groeschel will forever be one of my heroes. He pastors a large church and is as humble of a man as ever. I eat everything he puts out up! His book "It" was excellent; i am nearly complete with "Chazown"; and i read "Confessions of a Pastor" in one Sitting!!!

This book, "Confessions of a pastor", takes us, the reader, through 10 major issues Groeschel has battled with in the history of being a pastor. Issues like staying sexually pure, feeling like a failure, feeling inadequate, struggles with prayer and staying in tune with God, and loneliness. He gives practical steps as to how we win the battles we face in everyday ministry and life. This is not a book of "sob stories" but one of victory, encouragement, and growth. There is never a dull moment! "Confessions of a Pastor" is an excellent read for anyone, but I would Highly recommend it to young leaders. Groeschel's focus and authenticity is both comforting and encouraging. As i said before, i read through it in one sitting! He is funny (typical Groeschel), honest, sensitive, blunt, and always insightful. His advice is right on! After reading it, i find myself encouraged to know that one of the great pastor's of my generation, a man i look up to and admire as a man of God, has struggled and continues to struggle with the same things as me. This is my guarantee: you will walk away built up and energized after you read this. It has Sean's stamp of approval.

a week in review

A lot has been happening this last week or two. In total i have seen the church i work at twice, have seen my father twice, and have seen 5 different guessed it, twice!! I have had little if any internet access and have opened up my laptop a grand total of around 4 times. I am not going to lie, not answering email has been good...vacation has been good, but i now feel the pressure to get back into the swing of work.

Anyway, a couple of thoughts worth noting:
On my way to Orange County California New Year's eve, i was sitting behind a couple of Marines, one dressed in full garb, the other lookin' like a civilian. These two guys were talking about the war and all that had been going on with their company in Iraq 'n' what not, when a buff white dude approximately 40 years of age walked up to the marine fully dressed and, with a pat on the shoulder said, "It would honor me greatly if you take this ticket and sit first class. I greatly appreciate all you do." The marine was a little taken back, thanked the gentleman and sat first class all the way to Cali!! I thought to myself, what a great thing to do for one of our soldiers. They are working their butts off over there in the middle east and it is only appropriate for us to honor them in simple ways such as this. Too often today, we forget the price of freedom. People want peace not war, but forget that our soldiers are fighting for peace! By all means, i hope we never have to use force ever...but that is not always the case, especially with the world we live in. Regardless, our people are following orders, and they represent this nation; a nation that believes in inalienable rights for all human beings. Whether one believes in war or not (specifically THIS war) is irrelevant. I think it would be a good thing for us all to do something small, like giving up a first class seat or giving a gift card to a restaurant or store, to honor our men and women in arms. It doesn't have to be anything extravagant; just has to come from the heart.