Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Movie Review: Paul Blart

Went to see Mall Cop last night and boy was it funny. Kevin James is in classic form with this one; good clean fun. Not many guys could pull off driving around a mall in a security scooter and it be funny. James, with his mustache, spices up a lame occupation by taking mall security a little too serious. James (Paul Blart) is adamant about his job, keeping to the rules of "mall edicate", and the safety of shoppers. So, once the mall is taken over by acrobatic maniacs on black Friday, Paul Blart is ready to spring into action.

There really isn't anything spectacular with the plot, but the "Happy Madison" production company doesn't drag the movie along and refuses to "beat a dead horse." It was simple, fun, and well done. To top it all off, they root for the underdog. I love movies that have some redemptive value to it. In this case, it is that God chooses the "underdog", the undeserved, the least likely to accomplish His will. Though Mall Cop may not be "Biblical" per se, it reveals the heart of God: an overweight, insecure, single dad, who has an impeding affliction (something i will not mention because it will ruin the movie), whom everyone counts out, out maneuvers smart well trained and well funded thieves....and gets the girl! I Love That!!! We all love that! We love seeing the least likely to succeed....well, SUCCEED.
I give it a solid: A- A definite must see. Just like a Kung-Fu Panda.

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