Friday, April 24, 2009

Cincinnati and reconciliation

Yesterday my lead pastor, boss, and friend Brad Rosenberg walked into my office with a little bit if "franticness" in his step and asked me to drive to University Hospital with him for a visit. University is right next to the University of Cincinnati (obvious, i know) which is located right next to one of the most dangerous areas of Cincinnati called "Over the Rhine." I have driven through this place a couple of times but yesterday, as I was driving and talking with my boss, I was struck by a dichotomy. While going up a street called Vine, we pass through some dangerous neighborhoods: a women strung out and looking for drugs, a car parked at a stop sign with a guy dealing, people out on their porches packing heat, cops patrolling, etc. As we drive up around a bend toward the hospital, things start looking really nice: young professionals walking around, college students moving from one class to another, mom's walking with children, elderly out for an afternoon stroll, etc. What a dichotomy within only a few miles' stretch!!! I have never really experienced the whole "Black neighborhood", "White trash neighborhood", "Latin neighborhood", and so on. I grew up with everything being a melting pot. The only time segregation occured was because of the gangs.
So, I prayed for a new heart to pump out an overwhelming desire to be a part of racial reconciliation. We need it!!! Every city needs it and the Church (notice the capital "C") must be in the center of the battle. Jesus mingled, befriended, welcomed, and reached out to Samaritans, Greeks, Romans, Jews, women, children, young, and old. Shouldn't we do the same? Shouldn't we be apart of bridging the gap between different cultures, social classes, economic status ethnic, gender, intellect, etc.? I think so. I now digress.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

"Hope Fair"

Last night our church conducted its first annual "Hope Fair." We put on what could be understood as a "mini Convoy of Hope", in which we provided dental exams, haircuts, carnival rides, hearing exams, health screenings, giveaways, hot dogs, a prayer tent, bags of groceries, and much more. It was so rewarding for us to see all of the families come and get served by the Church. I am convinced that events like these is close to the heart of God. We are to be a Hospital for the hurting not a country club for the healthy (Mark 2:17). Upward of 500 people came to this event and heard a Gospel presentation while at the same time having their needs met. I look forward to seeing many of the same people sitting in our seats this Sunday morning being fed the Scriptures!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Words Like Honey

Last night we continued in the series "Drop Some Knowledge", by talking about the power of our words. In many aspects of our lives, we naturally attempt to treat the symptoms of our behavior rather than the root cause of our behavior. The same goes for our words. King Solomon tells us that a wise heart produces kind words that are sweet to the bones and healthy for our bodies. We realized that whatever comes out of our mouths (A symptom) is a direct result of what we contain in our hearts. Jesus proved this point in Matthew chapter 12:34-37 (I encourage you to go and read it for yourself. It's good stuff). There is no doubt in my mind that, just like food and drink, whatever goes into us will come out; whatever we take in through our eyes and ears will manifest itself through our mouth. Therefore, the challenge for us is this: Who or what has my heart? Who does it belong to? When dealing with our words and the life or destruction that we speak with them, it is essential to remember that our hearts are the issue. A wise heart and pleasant words are inextricably connected. It would do us well to never forget that.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I just purchased an iPhone a couple days ago and I absolutely LOVE it!!! After having my other phone for nearly four years, it kind of feels weird. But it is safe to say that I don't think i'll ever go back. iPhone users...we are spoiled.