Thursday, April 2, 2009

Words Like Honey

Last night we continued in the series "Drop Some Knowledge", by talking about the power of our words. In many aspects of our lives, we naturally attempt to treat the symptoms of our behavior rather than the root cause of our behavior. The same goes for our words. King Solomon tells us that a wise heart produces kind words that are sweet to the bones and healthy for our bodies. We realized that whatever comes out of our mouths (A symptom) is a direct result of what we contain in our hearts. Jesus proved this point in Matthew chapter 12:34-37 (I encourage you to go and read it for yourself. It's good stuff). There is no doubt in my mind that, just like food and drink, whatever goes into us will come out; whatever we take in through our eyes and ears will manifest itself through our mouth. Therefore, the challenge for us is this: Who or what has my heart? Who does it belong to? When dealing with our words and the life or destruction that we speak with them, it is essential to remember that our hearts are the issue. A wise heart and pleasant words are inextricably connected. It would do us well to never forget that.

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