Thursday, February 19, 2009

Sharing Your Faith

Last night we capped off our two part teaching on how NOT to share your faith, and HOW TO share Jesus with others. I thought it beneficial to post the seven practical methods to share Jesus with others we mentioned last night. AND NO, going door to door with tracts was NOT one of them :-)

  • Romans Road--We are all dirty rotten sinners and, compared to Jesus, fall short of "good enough" (Romans 3:23). We deserve death NOT life (Romans 6:23) but Jesus died for our sin (Romans 5:8) and if we admit our shortcoming and turn from our sin (Romans 10:9-13) we will live in freedom with Jesus now and forever (Romans 8:38-39).
  • ABC's-- A: accept that Jesus is who He said He is. B: believe (or trust) in Him. C: confess your sin to Him and walk toward Him.
  • Three D's-- Develop friendships, Discover stories, and Determine next steps. This is always centered around authentically LOVING people, finding out about them, and helping them take one step closer to Jesus.
  • Random Acts of Kindness-- Everybody has the capability of BEING kind to someone, doing the very things Jesus did to others who least expected or deserved it.
  • Share Your Story-- Nothing is more powerful than your story. People cannot argue away what you have experienced. Share Your Story.
  • Use Me-- Our hope is that everyone who walks through our doors will walk out different than when they came in. We will teach JESUS every time we meet. Invite people to events, growth groups, and our mid-week gatherings. We will teach Scripture.
Welp, there they are. Some of these work for certain people, and some for others. And there are some methods that we did not discuss last night...and I'm sure those will work well for others too. The objective last night was to encourage everyone to take a step forward with Jesus and begin telling others about Jesus, our Master and Leader.

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