Just got done talking with a University student who is writing a paper on "Homosexuality" and "gay rights." She was looking for the Church's perspective on the issue and had phoned a number of churches (different denominations) including a Buddhist temple. The first "Pentecostal" pastor she spoke to said it was wrong because "God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Adam and Eve and Eve." She told me that she politely rebutted and in turn was told, by the youth pastor, that she didn't have time to talk and hung up on the college student. Needless to say, I was shocked (she was irritated) and not happy with my fellow colleague in the trenches. SO, this incident and what turned out to be a very delightful conversation got me thinking:
Why is it that we (Leaders in the Church) many times side-step difficult issues with cliche responses at best?!?! Today's society is hungry for REAL answers and it seems that much of the time we bust out our cookie cutter and expect people to eat our responses like an Italian feast (which I could go for right about now!). The old days of society as a whole naturally having somewhat of a Biblical background/perspective are LONG LONG GONE. Therefore, the challenge for us Minsters and leaders is to explore the issues (homosexuality, pantheism, relativism, pluralism, alcoholism, all the -isms, pain, suffering, evil, etc.) and respond with Biblical conviction, relevance, clarity, and intelligence; all under the power and leading of the Holy Spirit. This is EXACTLY what Jesus did. He DID NOT sidestep tough issues with pithy cliche's from junior high, but addressed topics with sound doctrinal teaching and relevant stories (known as parables). If our aim is to be like Christ, we MUST engage our culture in dialogue, speaking full of GRACE and TRUTH just as OUR Master did (John 1:17).
When my phone conversation was all said and done, I have made a new friend and look forward to many more conversations about hot button topics with this individual. There is nothing to be afraid of when dealing with issues like these. It is so sad to see Christians do the very same thing that people do when someone/something is different than them: either they hate or fear (whether it be a different look or belief or expression or whatever. One of these is usually the typical response). Whereas, to bite off of Rich Warren, the best response is to love and embrace those who believe differently. I can still love someone and disagree with them at the same time. Actually, isn't that what Jesus did (our Master disagree with and even hates our sin but still loved us enough to die and take our sin away)? And HE still does. SO, the moral of my inward dissertation is: when someone calls you asking for your perspective on a controversial topic, do us all a favor and don't hang up on them. I NOW DIGRESS.
12 years ago