Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A lot on the Noggin'

I havn't been sleeping too well the last week or so. I have not fallen asleep as fast as I usually do, especially since I've been exhausted nearly every night this last month, and I have not been sleeping in as long as I usually do. I am going to attribute it all to my mind pulling a "Lightning Mcqueen" the last few weeks. Yes, my mind has been moving at an alarming pace...Thinking about anything and everything. I am natuarlly a "thinker" so I am not too frustrated (yet) but trying to control mind, which is Biblical. Too much thinking can be unhealthy, just as not thinking at all is detrimental, and I want to have a healthy balance. The mind is truly a battlefield!!

So, this is what I did this morning when I got into the office: I usually spend my first hour and a half in the scriptures, worship, devotionals, solitude, journaling, etc. However, this morning I grabbed my USC Trojans pillow off a chair, layed down in the middle of my floor, and rested. This was unique for me since I am so driven, feeling the need to never waste time, to keep always be doing something. But I was so tired this morning, I felt the need to just "rest in God"; to lay down and hit the PAUSE button before I got started on this busy Wednesday. I didn't fall completely asleep, but that was not the goal. The goal was to do Rest and ask God to refresh me. The goal was to quiet the mind, to lay down every part of me, not just the physical part though I did symbolically. It was truly different for me and will take some getting used to. However, if our minds are a battlefield (and they are) I feel this may be a good exercise for me to participate in every once in a while in order to recalibrate and refresh my thinking. God knows I want to serve Him, but sometimes I am unhealthy in the process of being a follower of Jesus. God, quiet our minds. May we find rest in You.

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