Sunday, July 6, 2008

while sitting in a not so typical (since we had a guest speaker) sunday morning service, my mind begins to wander, something that occurs more often than it needs to. i see around me all types of people; young couples, young mom's, old people, singles, and the list continues. we all make up the body of Christ and yet we are so different in all kinds of ways. we have different preferences, backgrounds, opinions, IQ's, etc. and yet there is one thing specifically that i could not shake...something we all seem to struggle with: we all buy into lies about ourselves and our Master (Jesus). in one form or another, christians and non-christians alike believe lies. we believe the lie that we're worthless, dirty, loveless, a screw-up, unlovable, incapable of good, have little or no potential, are a failure, have to something to prove, and you can pretty much go on forever about lies we entertain. it is only a matter of time that if we go on believing and living a lie, it will kill us. truth sometimes can be so difficult to trust, especially if you've believed something antithetical for so long. imagine what could happen if people believed truth and spoke it in love and grace to all those we come into contact with; many who have lost hope themselves. i guess i started feeling like we should not just act like we have the hope of the world at work in our lives but actually believe in Him ourselves. believing what is true is the starting point for revolution.

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