Friday, November 21, 2008

God on Mute

i have to give a shout out to a fellow blogger and good friend of mine by the name of Justin Chandler. about, mmm, i would say the late summer mid fall of 2007, my fellow minister in arms suggested, no.....strongly urged me to pick up a book by the name of "God on Mute" by Pete Greig. whelp, i finally did just that, only a year later, and i will now suggest this read to anyone out there who enjoys using their cerebral cortex. i am not too far into the book, however, it has struck a chord in me and i will not keep it to myself. no, i will compose, and shout from the rooftops: "read this book."...and by all means, after you do, tell me what you think.


Unknown said...


Sean Silverii said...

i know man...i love it!! very solid book.